Wednesday, August 12, 2009


As human beings, we are naturally attracted to our own reflections. Often times when we pass by a reflective object or environment, whether it's a mirror, a storefront window, a pond, a silver bangle, or a puddle of rain water, we pause to catch a glimpse of ourselves. While some may say this is an act of vanity (whereas prolonged periods of staring at one's own reflections would border line as narcissistic), me thinks it's also a kind of curiosity fulfillment, plus a little bit of self-loving. Perhaps that's why mirror is such a popular medium for art installations/ large-scale sculptures in public spaces - passers-by and tourists alike all enjoy seeing (or sometimes "finding") themselves in the reflective surfaces of these giant art objects.


Couples capturing their smooch, children making funny faces, confused babies trying to reach for the mirror, tourists snapping their own reflections like no tomorrow... and then there's me, having a little Pleasantville moment in front of The Bean at Chicago's Millenium Park.


Reflections are simply... f.u.n.

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